Why you should plan for a ‘first look’ at your wedding

Unsurprisingly, a high percentage of couples we work with ask us to plan a first look. There are a lot of benefits to incorporating a first look into your wedding day and, when you see the results, it's easy to get why! 

What is a first look?

A first look often refers to the moment that the couple, who are getting married, sees each other for the first time. However, this isn't always the case... 

So, who is involved?!

If you want to stick to tradition and have your first look with your partner as you walk down the aisle, why not share this moment with someone else?!

A first look can be done with the wedding party, the parents, or anyone you want to choose!

Where to have your first look

To make the most of this moment, we’d recommend choosing a romantic location around your wedding venue away from your other guests. This is a private moment between those involved so we don’t want anyone accidentally stumbling in!

There are A LOT of benefits to a first look - here are just a few of the best...

  • Calm your nerves before the walk down the aisle - chatting to your partner before the ceremony can help settle nerves and get you ready for the main event. With the nerves out of the way, the emotional reaction at the ceremony is often heightened!

  • If you are having an indoor ceremony, a first look is an opportunity to take photos of you both in natural light.

  • A first look is a perfect opportunity to capture the sentimental and emotional moment when you see each other for the first time. We'd bet on this photo being one that you eventually have framed!

  • Enjoy a moment alone! Your wedding day is going to be a whirlwind. Having a first look before the ceremony gives you both an opportunity for a private moment together.

Opting for tradition

What if you choose to follow tradition and have the first look be as you head down the aisle?

This is a great option and a moment we photograph at each wedding we attend. 

However, a pre-ceremony first look means we can guarantee successful shots of the first time you set eyes on each other!


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